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… HAMLET Commission drains. Engines and rituals. And that ear chunk in the buffet. Too wasted to fall back. I was cautious, kept surrending, but did it well. To the ground, give the job my bones have accomplished till tis’ very day. To the ground, give the job my inflated muscles usually take on.
GERTRUD I could, but I prefer to be watched.
Commission drains. Engines and rituals. And that ear chunk in the buffet. Too wasted to fall back. I was cautious, kept surrending, but did it well. To the ground, give the job my bones have accomplished till tis’ very day. To the ground, give the job my inflated muscles usually take on.
GERTRUD\\ I could, but I prefer to be watched.
Ham. Why\\
Would I had met my deerest foe in heauen\\
Would I had met my deerest foe in heauen\\
O my father\\ my father\\ me thinks\\ I see\\
O my father
my father
me thinks
I see\\
Ham. Why\\ in my\\ mindes eye\\
Ham. Why
in my
mindes eye\\
HAMLET: Would I had met my deerest foe in heauen\\
Would I had met my deerest foe in heauen\\
my father.
Hor. Where my Lord?
my father.
Where my Lord?
HAMLET: Would I had met my deerest foe in heauen
HAMLET: Would I had met my deerest foe in heauen\\
Ere euer I had seene that day Horatio;
O my father,\\ my father,\\ me thinks\\ I see\\ my father.
Ere euer I had seene that day Horatio
O my father\\
my father\\
me thinks\\
I see\\
my father.
Ham. Why, \\ in my \\ mindes eye \\ Horatio.
Ham. Why\\ in my\\ mindes eye\\ Horatio.
Ere euer I had seene that day Horatio;
O my father, \\ my father, \\ me thinks \\ I see \\ my father. \\
Ere euer I had seene that day Horatio;
O my father,\\ my father,\\ me thinks\\ I see\\ my father.\\
… HAMLET Commission drains. Engines and rituals. And that ear chunk in the buffet. Too wasted to fall back. I was cautious, kept surrending, but did it well. To the ground, give the job my bones have accomplished till tis’ very day. To the ground, give the job my inflated muscles usually take on.
GERTRUD I could, but I prefer to be watched.
HAMLET: Would I had met my deerest foe in heauen
Ere euer I had seene that day Horatio;
O my father, \\ my father, \\ me thinks \\ I see \\ my father.
Hor. Where my Lord?
Ham. Why, \\ in my \\ mindes eye \\ Horatio.
Entre Marcellus. Il compte à rebours, en anglais, de cent à zéro.
Nous l’avons vu
Nous l’avons vu
Ton père
Ta doublure