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GraphingShakespeare - As You Like It
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FOLIO is the sole authority for the pastoral AS YOU LIKE IT which is one of the most musical of Shakespeare’s plays. It has five songs.

Song #1 — “Under the Green Wood tree” — 2.5 (TLN 890,942)
Song #2 — “Blow, Blow, Thou Winter Winde” — 2.7 (TLN 1156,1168)
Song #3 — “What Shall He Have That Kil’d the Deare” — 4.2 (TLN 2136,2145)
Song #4 — “It Was a Lover and His Lass” — 5.3 (TLN 2546,2564)
Song #5 — “Wedding is Great Juno’s Crown” — 5.4 (TLN 2715,2721)

A setting of “It Was a Lover and His Lass” was published in Thomas Morley’s FIRST BOOK OF AIRS (1600); “What Shall He Have That Kil’d the Deare” appeared as a round for four voices in John Hilton’s CATCH THAT CATCH CAN (1652).

X AXIS (abscisses): 2797 lines

The traditional subdivision of ACTS & SCENES is that of the FOLIO.

1.1: line 1 (reads “Act 1 scene 1 begins at line 1″)

1.2: line 169

1.3: line 458

2.1: line 604

2.2: line 679

2.3: line 702

2.4: line 781

2.5: line 888

2.6: line 949

2.7: line 971

3.1: line 1179

3.2: line 1199

3.3: line 1613

3.4: line 1708

3.5: line 1769

4.1: line 1915

4.2: line 2125

4.3: line 2146

5.1: line 2339

5.2: line 2407

5.3: line 2530

5.4: line 2572

Epilogue: Line 2774

FINIS @ line 2797



Entrances & exits of Characters

According to their order of appearance.

• (2,84) reads “enters at line 2, exits at line 80″.

• DISGUISED as a Ganimede (782,2601)

is inserted at the end of a character’s list (in this case Rosalind’s) to indicate the “duration” of their being disguised.

• PRINCIPAL CHARACTERS are capitalized.

ORLANDO (3rd son of Sir Rowland)

(2,84) (311,457) (703,780) (950,970) (1062,1113) (1146,1178) (1200,1210) (1445,1612) (1940,2106) (2408,2529) (2573,2775)

ADAM (a servant of Orlando)

(2,84) (703,780) (950,970) (1146,1178)

OLIVER (1st son of Sir Rowland)

(28,168) (1180,1198) (2224,2338) (2408,2428) (2574,2775)

Charles (the Duke’s wrestler)

(96,168) (311,382)

ROSALIND (Daughter of the banished Duke)

(170,423) (459,603) (782,887) (1285,1612) (1709,1768) (1778,1852) (1916,2124) (2147,2338) (2421,2529) (2579,2601) (2681,2796) / DISGUISED as Ganimede (782,2601)

CELIA (Daughter of Duke Frederick)

(170,423) (459,603) (782,887) (1321,1612) (1709,1768) (1778,1852) (1916,2124) (2147,2338) (2574,2601) (2681,2775) / DISGUISED as Aliena (782,2601)

TOUCHSTONE (a clown)

(212,423) (783,887) (1211,1360) (1614,1707) (2340,2406) (2531,2571) (2610,2775)

Le Beau (a courtier of Duke F.)

(257,393) (426,457)


(311,393) (494,551) (680,701) (1180,1198)

DUKE SENIOR (banished Duke)

(605,678) (972,1178) (2573,2775)

Amiens (a musician of Duke Senior)

(605,678) (889,948) (2573,2775)

Corin (a shepherd)

(801,887) (1211,1360) (1453,1768) (1778,1852) (2402,2406)

Silvius (a shepherd)

(801,825) (1770,1914) (2151,2223) (2482,2529) (2579,2775)

JACQUES (an attendant of Duke Senior)

(889,948) (980,1178) (1445,1486) (1614,1707) (1916,1953) (2126,2145) (2573,2773)

AUDREY (a country wench)

(1614,1707) (2340,2406) (2531,2571) (2610,2775)

Sir Oliver Martext (a vicar)


PHEBE (a shepherdess)

(1770,1914) (2482,2529) (2579,2775)

Hymen (the god of marriage)


William (an ex-wooer of Audrey)


Jaques (2nd Son of Sir Rowland)




The play can be more or less broken up according to its two principal “locations”:

• the COURT of Duke Frederick for the whole of ACT 1 as well as for scenes 2.2 & 3.1;


• the FOREST of Arden (i.e. Ardennes) for the remainder of the play.

Hence, 17 out of 22 scenes take place in a PASTORAL setting (complete with “shepherds”)

The play ends in a quadruple marriage, hence the four pairs of lovers perhaps need be matched accordingly:









Type: Scene extempore (blue)

Title: Your Rosalind


Type: Maske (red)

Title: Maske of Hymen


ROSALIND as Ganimede: (781,2681), Conscious

CELIA as Aliena (781,2681), Conscious

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