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The Folio’s text of LLL appears to be a reprint (with some few modifications) of a Quarto published in 1598 by Cuthbert Burby (who would publish Q2 ROMEO & JULIET). According to the Oxford editors, the print-house copy for this Quarto might either be Shakespeare’s holograph or another Quarto (now lost) itself based on his foul-papers.

Both Q and F provide two of the clearest instances of Shakespearean “first thoughts” (passages that are almost immediately reprised and developed by the playwright):

• 4.3.292–314 (TLN 1646–68), reprised 4.3.315–362 (TLN 1669–1716)

• 5.2.817–22 (TLN 2770–82), reprised 5.2.837–54 (TLN 2798–2815)

X AXIS (abscisses): 2900 lines

FOLIO gives ACTS only. SCENE divisions (as a whole) are Steevens, 1773.

ACT I line 1

1.1: line 2

1.2: line 311

ACT II line 489

2.1: line 490

ACT III line 769

3.1: line 770

ACT IV line 972

4.1: line 973

4.2: line 1150

4.3: line 1333

ACT V line 1738

5.1: line 1739

5.2: line 1887



Entrances & exits of Characters

According to their order of appearance.

• (2,305) reads “enters at line 2, exits at line 305″.

• (1353 [retires 1376,1467] 1737)

reads “character (in this case Ferdinand) enters at line 1353, retires (or “hides”) from line 1376 to line 1467 (at which point he “reveals himself”), and exits at line 1737”.

• The entry (as Russion 2052,2182)

indicates that characters (in this case the Ferdinand, Berowne, Longaville & Dumaine) are costumed “as Russians (or Moscovites)” for the Masque of 5.2.

• [masked 2050,2233]

indicates that characters (in this case the Princess, Maria, Rosaline & Katherine) are masked for the Masque of 5.2.

• (“young Hercules” 2540,2547)

indicates that character (in this case Moth) plays the part of young Hercules in the play / pageant of the Nine Worthies.

• PRINCIPAL CHARACTERS are capitalized.

FERDINAND (King of Navarre)

(2,305) (583,676) (1353 [retires 1376,1467] 1737) (as Russian 2052,2182) (2234,2900)

BEROWNE (lord attending the king)

(2,305) (583,690) (707,714) (909,971) (1333 [retires 1353,1488] 1737) (as Russian 2052,2182) (2234,2900)

LONGAVILLE (lord attending the king)

(2,305) (583,706) (1376 [retires 1411,1463] 1737) (as Russian 2052,2182) (2234,2900)

DUMAINE (lord attending the king)

(3,305) (583,676) (691,694) (1410,1737) (as Russian 2052,2182) (2234,2900)

Constable DULL

(192,310) (430,448) (1150,1332) (1739,1886) (2854,2900)

COSTARD (clown)

(192,310) (430,469) (840,938) (1016,1148) (1245,1311) (1527,1561) (2420,2450) (“Pompey” 2490,2683) (2854,2900)

Don ARMADO (a braggart)

(311,487) (770,900) (1769,1886) (2466,2476) (“Hector” 2587,2683) (2841,2900)

MOTH (page to Armado)

(311,469) (770,835) (840,900) (1769,1886) (2051,2070) (“young Hercules” 2540,2547) (2656,2683) (2854,2900)

Jaquenetta (a wench)

(430,448) (1245,1311) (1527,1561)


(490,768) (973,1092) (1887 [masked 2050,2233]) (2262,2900)

MARIA (lady attending the princess)

(490,768) (973,1137) (1887 [masked 2050,2233]) (2262,2900)

KATHERINE (lady attending the princess)

(490,768) (973,1092) (1887 [masked 2050,2233]) (2262,2900)

ROSALINE (lady attending the princess)

(490,768) (973,1117) (1887 [masked 2050,2233]) (2262,2900)

BOYET (lord attending the princess)

(491,526) (573,768) (974,1137) (1969,2239) (2262,2900)



HOLOFERNES (a schoolmaster)

(1150,1332) (1739,1886) (“Judas Machabeus” 2540,2683) (2854,2900)

NATHANIEL (a curate)

(1150,1332) (1739,1886) (“Alexander” 2511,2538) (2854,2900)



Marcade (lord attending the princess)




FERDINAND as Muscovite (2052,2182), Conscious

BEROWNE as Muscovite (2052,2182), Conscious

LONGAVILLE as Muscovite (2052,2182), Conscious

DUMAINE as Muscovite (2052,2182), Conscious

PRINCESS as Rosaline (2050,2182), Conscious

MARIA as Katherine (2050,2182), Conscious

KATHERINE as Maria (2050,2182), Conscious

ROSALINE as Princess (2050,2182), Conscious

COSTARD as Pompey (2490,2683), Conscious

Don ARMADO as Hector (2587,2683), Conscious

MOTH as Young Hercules (2540,2547), Conscious

HOLOFERNES as Judas Machabeus (2540,2683), Conscious

NATHANIEL as Alexander (2511,2538), Conscious



Type: Maske (Red)

Title: Maske of the Muscovites.

• (2490,2683)

Type: Inset-play (yellow)

Title: Pageant of the Nine Worthies:

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