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GraphingShakespeare - V3 Fragment XVIII

V3 Fragment XVII

HAMLET et GERTRUDE restent muets devant le sang qui imbibe les draps. GERTRUDE s’effondre et pleure. DEAD POLONIUS sort de sous le lit. «Vacancy» est écrit sur son cœur. HAMLET, apeuré, empoigne GERTRUDE et une bouteille d’alcool. Il boit et la fait boire de force.

HAMLET: Notre père est vieux. Il ne s’aperçut ni quand elle se coucha, ni quand elle se leva. Viens, faisons boire du vin. Ils se réfugient au matin. Jusqu’à ce jour, le lendemain. Alla coucher avec son père. Elles firent donc boire du vin. Et va coucher avec lui. Viens, faisons boire du vin à notre père. Détruites. Il ne s’aperçut ni quand elle se coucha, l’intercession et les pratiques de la turpitude. Ni quand elle se leva. Jusqu’à ce jour. Proposant même ses filles à leur place. Il ne s’aperçut ni quand elle se coucha, Horrid Lot and his salty… burbot. Humanize your fearce into a constant mumming that keeps you so attractive, you are even if you try not to be, you’ll lick like a scared biche qui sort de cette grotte, fluffylly, hairfully, in a majestual head sway, looking with her eager and hungry eyes following the next bait you are about to send him.

Entre LE SPECTRAL derrière HAMLET vers la fin de sa réplique.

LE SPECTRAL : From what trouble can’t your childish fingers deliver that feast? Liver so what, from now on you’ll hear what I have to say, if not uncle murder comes in tip toe looking tip toe walking. Ses femelles humidités compriment ses orbites vers le ciel et l’empêchent de sentir son cœur. Her arms are part of the bloat. (Hamlet se tourne vers son père.) Frigid And goal-running Still she’s Frightened And in between sounds Infinite And missing a tide Freezing a bat And towering a cold cock sock Oh, again hover over me…

HAMLET : Comme d’un remous et qui chair par en haut, ravalée et décharnée, je lui coupe-rose son flanc et que mange que mange. I still don’t know what you’re looking for!

LE SPECTRAL : Alors qu’il force le throw up à prendre toute procedure sur moi, ils fermentent un certain abus de mes tissus exit. Mais, Hamlet, speak a sonss weak sex weak mouth wet p-gies possibilities. How can you want lips when you know your head still beholds power on them. Woman minus one. You forgot what was there to see.

LE SPECTRAL sort. CLAUDIUS, une serviette autour de la taille et son chapeau sur la tête, entre sur scène; il observe la scène sans être vu.

GERTRUD : Que vous ayez plié les yeux sur «Vacancy».

DEAD POLONIUS : I could explain comment la goutte d’un mendiant se trouve altérée par what you call here the woman or subvisual interests but I don’t want to substitute this gentleman from the report he shall do.

HAMLET : He died with a tiredness that never washed out. I swear I’ll be finished after that last jump (prend presque son souffle pour entamer sa réplique): Enter le fantôme dans son gown de nuitransparation transseparation transpiration transconception, enter le fantôme dans la forêt, dans son armure, hairy type, not hairy type, but bosom that can get my mother everywhere, a gown version of papa. His brother sucks a flesh popsicle, a pack of food wrap ‘’Hamlet the First’’ balls, best before two hours ago. Sorry, those Gertrud’s warm peaches contain non-secured elements, do you really wish to set them on fire? Yes, yes I do said Claudio, I’ll crack the last layer, I’ll squeeze their guts out in pretty patterns, I’ll kill a King, and mary with his mother.

DEAD POLONIUS : Forty till you belch. Ninety till you belch. From unknown suburbs I did for you I did for you for you I did it for you. I’lll never bring you up forty one I guess it is forty one I guess it is the organ I guess it is the best one which was an orgasm helper in my mind she regressed the man went farther, the woman, minus one.


HAMLET : I like to think the other side is as it was when I left it the another night, but your lover vanished, from my father’s beard, little drops of Claudius black semen tumble down and my father’s ears are full of shit. Black crows set black crowns and baby doll country pointed by leprosy pointed out by lyncherie lingerie.

GERTRUD (troublée): I did not kill a King.

DEAD POLONIUS : Forty till you belch. Ninety till you belch. From unknown suburbs I did for you I did for you for you I did it for you. I’lll never bring you up forty one I guess it is forty one I guess it is the organ I guess it is the best one which was an orgasm helper in my mind she regressed the man went farther, the woman, minus one. Dead Polonius va sortir maintenant.

CLAUDIUS : Beef harsch, graft grief, beef arch.

HAMLET et CLAUDIUS: I went to the house, but did not enter.

CLAUDIUS : To England must go that motherfucker.

GERTRUD : I’m waving to you Hamlet! Tell me your fish poem. Please tell it to me.

CLAUDIUS (apparaît aux yeux de Gertrud et Hamlet): Enough, where’s that Polonius dough?

HAMLET : You have those really small bones in your eardrum Claudio, can you believe it? I know what you’re thinking. I know what you’re thinking… Because of that inner plaquette, you know the sticky surface that never sees the light, your ossicles can tell your brain secrets people keep in their pants.

CLAUDIUS : Tell it to me Hamlet!

GERTRUD : I’m waving to you!

HAMLET : Set yourself quick go fix yourself, no jump, Your ossicles too can acquire that prehistoric strength. How can you register those bloody fresh ideas?

CLAUDIUS : Will you tell it to me, son!

HAMLET : Stubborn excitement. OK, then «In the port of Amsterdam there’s a saila who eats only fishheads you fat king.» Is that alright? «Full of cries in a drunken down pipe.» Still? «Fishheads and tails and yells to the cook sail to the moon down by my side too full to try it stands and languishes and sits on his ass.» Again? «Given the vulture long gone just ain’t gone knows the scorn scorpions’ thorns. Thousand other men’s bitterness and virtues all gone futurely smelled on the icy daddy piss is risky.»

CLAUDIUS: Alas! Alas!

HAMLET: Polonius ate some pig, an elevated one, and never knew about it, never in days his conscience nor stomach brought it out. Now he’s sick of that pig.

CLAUDIUS: What of this?

HAMLET: Nothing but how a King may go a progresse through the guttes of a Pig.

HAMLET sort.

V3 Fragment XIX

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